In the digital age today, evolving technology means customers are no longer limited to shopping locally, customer can purchase an item with just a few clicks away. this has also changed the landscape of sales and created inside sales and outside sales, which both play an important role and make it important for your business to incorporate them into your modern sales strategy. Let’s learn the difference between inside sales vs outside sales.

Inside sales

inside sales is the process of selling remotely over various communication channels, such as phone, email, messaging or social media, it is also known as remote sales or virtual sales. Inside sales is digital focus, the reps embrace digital forms of communication, and spend their days generating leads and connecting with people who express interest in business products or services. They work in an office and do not travel to meet with prospective buyers face-to-face.

Outside Sales

Outside sales is when business representatives travel and meet with prospects in person, which is considered as a more traditional sales approach. they spend the majority of their time in the field, meet with customers to discuss solutions to the customer’s pain points, demo products or services, and form stronger relationships to build customer loyalty.

Inside sales and outside sales, both have their strong advantages and disadvantages, when it comes to lead generation, inside sales is the way to go but when it comes to building relationships, outside sales is the best way to achieve that.

By duzx20

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