What’s everyone welcome back to the last Luke talks about sales blog it’s been a wild ride this semester and I can’t believe it’s coming to an end. For the last episode I wanted to start to focus on something I’ve been very interested in which is selling on the international marketplace.   Selling on the domestic marketplace is a challenge of its own so I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to sell on the international marketplace. First let’s consider the challenges on the domestic marketplace. We have issues like price location communication and things like by our sovereignty. If some are wondering what buyer sovereignty means I’m referring to the principle that humans wants are typically hard to manipulate and influence. It takes me back to a movie scene in wolf of Wall Street where Jordan Belfort is enjoying a fine steak dinner and a three piece suit they were enjoying a nice meal and a myriad of delicious looking sides and Jordan Belfort the experienced salesman ask one of the unexperienced salesman to sell him a pen. What we learned is that it’s very difficult to influence his people influence people’s thoughts and feelings. And that is on the domestic marketplace imagine what the international marketplace would be like now you must face the fact that we speak different languages and that we come from different cultures now this sounds like a challenge. But a challenge that I think as salespeople men and women would love to accomplish. I believe the principles that Mr professor sweet have taught us in this class will allow us to sell not only on the domestic marketplace but on the international playing field. Now listen to this story picture yourself in a small Italian village enjoying a nice glass of wine and an Italian man comes up to you and you want to sell him something. How might how about you think about this situation. Will you abandon all of your domestic knowledge of sales or will you realize that there is no difference we’re all human. Humans want to be asked questions about our family and how we are doing and what we care about. Do not be afraid to sell not only on the domestic marketplace but on the international marketplace. It’s been a pleasure sharing all of my sales knowledge with you fine folks i can’t wait to see you in the marketplace whether it’s domestic or international

4 thoughts on “International Marketplace vs Domestic Marketplace”
  1. Intersting topic! International selling is certainly a completely different beast than domestic selling. It is wild to know that there are entire schools of study that surround the tactics and rules of international selling. From knowing culture to knowing international needs. It can get quite complex and it is important to see where one can improve their selling, both domestically and internationally.

  2. Love this post, i think that the content is very realistic for all of us to understnad and the differences and similarities are striking

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