As we talked about in class, interrogative self-talk is much more successful than declarative self-talk. Declarative self-talk is not a terrible thing because it can help build self-confidence, however it can also lead to a false sense of hope. Sometimes we as humans can tell ourselves something that we want to happen but in reality, is not very feasible. A better way to do this, is interrogative self-talk. Instead of giving us a false sense of hope, it allows us to ask ourselves questions that can help us achieve our goal. We can figure out how we may go about the situation or what our actual chances of success are.

In terms of sales, interrogative self-talk can set us up to pursue real answers. We won’t get an obscure answer that will never happen. It can also help us to look for other reasons within. We can see a bigger picture rather than being so narrow minded. As a salesperson, we must be confident in our abilities but also understand the reality of the situations. We must ask questions to give ourselves the best chance of success rather than just telling ourselves that we will succeed.

One thought on “Interrogative Self Talk”
  1. I like that you highlight the importance of using interrogative self-talk in sales rather than declarative self-talk. While declarative self-talk can help build self-confidence, it can also lead to false hope. Interrogative self-talk, on the other hand, allows individuals to ask themselves questions and pursue real answers. This approach can help salespeople to look for other reasons within a situation and see the bigger picture. By asking questions, salespeople can give themselves the best chance of success and understand the reality of each situation. Overall, the emphasis you put on the importance of being confident in one’s abilities while also being realistic and asking questions to achieve success in sales is paramount.

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