Often times, we think of selling strictly as an action we do with a product or a service, but the reality is, most of us are selling daily. Whether that might be convincing someone of a date, persuading your parents for money, or interviewing for a job, most people are involved in what is called non-sales selling. 

While non-sales selling could be many different scenarios, the concept of selling yourself in an interview is one that people don’t often think about intentionally. According to an article found on Indeed.com, “Selling yourself in an interview means taking steps to convince the hiring manager that you would be a valuable company asset.” There is a certain level of preparation, practice, and genuineness that goes into this process, but there are practical tips that can help to accomplish this convincing:

  1. Get comfortable talking about yourself – confidence!
  2. Tailor yourself to meet company needs – how would YOU bring value to them?
  3. Practice your talking points – know what you need to say and what you don’t.
  4. Distinguish yourself from the competition  – ask questions nobody else would think to ask, talk about your personal experience with the company, be yourself!

As simple as these may seem, there is truth to them that could bring significant value to someone learning how to sell themselves for interviews. Be confident, be yourself, and understand that a “no” is a new possibility!

To check out more, visit: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/interviewing/sell-yourself-in-an-interview

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