I am an Entrepreneurship major at Grove City College. I love my major, and while it may seem like it is a very broad major, at the same time it teaches all the skills necessary in order to succeed in business. Many believe that just because I am an Entrepreneurship major then I must have plans to become an entrepreneur in the future. While that may sound very realistic, it is not always true. The Entrepreneurship program here at Grove city has taught me various skills and techniques in business field to where I am no expert in any specific part of business, such as accounting, marketing, management, etc., but I know enough to where I can hold my ground in each department. All of these skills taught represent what an Entrepreneurship major is all about, which to me, is getting to know every side of business with an open mind on how value and impact are produced. The major not only offers the skills necessary to start your own business, but also teaches you how to represent yourself in the business setting while being able to create value and impact within a business, also known as intrapreneurship. An intrapreneur is someone who is his/her own creative innovator within a business. For example: John is a Entrepreneurship major who gets hired by Apple to serve on their creativity team where John’s job is to come up with new innovative ways to create, market, etc. This is an example of how someone can be on a creativity team within a company, but that is not the only job type where an intrapreneur can be effective. Another example would be someone who works in sales as a sales-rep. A sales-rep with an entrepreneurial mind has the opportunity to sell differently in their own creative way to better help the company. Intrapreneurs are the people in business’s that help push business’s to new levels of innovation. In a world where a change in culture can happen overnight, people who sense this and are able to adapt fast are necessary to keep a business moving forward everyday.

2 thoughts on “Intrapreneurship”
  1. This is very similar to a blog I thought of. I think it’s key for entrepreneurs to not be locked on the ide of starting their own business. There are a lot of great businesses to work for and many of them could use a creative mind with a business skill set that entrepreneurs have.

  2. I have had similar experiences, but with my major in finance. However, I feel as if at the end of the day, everything is sales because you are constantly selling something about yourself to others.

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