Some people may assume that extroverts make the best salespeople, but that isn’t always the case. There are many introverts that make great salespeople! When people hear extrovert and introvert, they think they’re one or the other, but many people are ambiverts. In class, Professor Sweet had us answer questions online and it told us if we were an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert. I was an ambivert, and wasn’t surprised because i’m shy when I meet new people, but once i get to know others and feel more comfortable then i’m very outgoing.
In sales, there are good and bad things about being an introvert or extrovert. Extroverts are know to be natural salespeople because they are very social and outgoing. The danger with extroverts in sales is that they may talk too much and not follow the 70/30 rule. Introverts are know to be very shy, quiet, and reserved. The danger with introverts is that they may be too shy and quiet to start a conversation with someone and too timid to close a deal.
Those who are ambiverts have an advantage over introverts and extroverts. Introverts are geared to inspect and extroverts are geared to respond, but ambiverts are able to find a balance between these two. They know when to speak up but also stay quiet when others talk. Because ambiverts are a mix of being an introvert and extrovert, I believe they are the best salespeople. They know how to talk to the customer and also listen to help them solve a problem their facing.

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