So this topic was from a few weeks ago, but I think it is very relevant and is very interesting to me.  As we all understood from class and the book, generally ambiverts are the best in selling.  This is because people that can master the art of talking to clients and keeping the balance between listening and asking questions are the best in selling situations.

Introverts on the other hand are very good listeners.  Being a good listener is in fact vital to being a good salesman, but introverts do tend to run into an issue with this.  They are so good at listening that they forget to learn anything about the client and do not ask any questions to figure out what the client wants from them.  Introverts can be successful in selling if they make the effort to ask probing questions and listen at the same time.

Extroverts have the opposite issue.  They talk so much, get so excited, and want to tell all the details that they do not listen to much the client says.  While they do ask good questions and probe for pain in the client, they often forget to listen to the answers that the client gives back to their many questions.  Extroverts can also be very successful at selling if they are conscious of how much they talk and how much they listen.

3 thoughts on “Introvert Vs. Extrovert in Selling Situations”
  1. I like how you compared and contrasted introverts vs. extroverts in sales. Both types of personalities have strengths and weaknesses and can succeed at sales. However, having that crucial balance between listening and talking really helps salesmen excel. Great post!

  2. I love how you talked about introverts and extroverts in sales. I think it is really beneficial to know the strengths and weaknesses of both like you have stated above. Great Post!

  3. As an introvert I can definitely agree that sales situations would be hard for me sometimes. The hardest part for me is initiating a conversation with someone. However when I do initiate a conversation I am pretty good at keeping it going.

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