Having varying classes with Professor Sweet, hearing the concept of a consultive sales approach is nothing new, but this semester I have begun to wonder if his teaching has had more of an impact on my life than I had originally thought. Not only have i been able to see in certain sales situations where his principles that have been pounded into our heads during all of his lectures would come into play, but also where they would have closed the sale that was otherwise not closed. A consultive sales approach is apparent in sales contexts, okay, but what about everything else? My day to day life has changed. From my relationships to my friends versus the way that i think about situations. I started acting differently, and began to see how my conversations had transformed from nonsensical jokes, to actual fact finding.Going through my day to day has now been influenced by Professor Sweet’s little voice in my head.

4 thoughts on “Is that Tim Sweet’s voice in my head?”
  1. This is SO true. Every once in a while I am reminded about a different situation that I am thinking of as a result of a class I had with Sweet. I’ve had all 6 of his classes!

  2. I have only taken one of his classes but I do have have concepts already drilled into my mind that just pop up in random situations. I am more aware of situations being ‘non-sales selling’ than I have ever been before.

  3. I agree whole heartedly with this! A lot of the time I’m treating real life conversations and interactions with my friends using some of the lessons we’ve learned from this class – its something I’m very thankful for

  4. I agree because this has allowed me to see situations where non sales selling is happening. I then start to analyze their tactics and I grade the peoples performance in my head. Great post.

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