One of my favorite videos to watch on the topic of sales is a collection of Jordan Belfort‘s sales advice gathered by Evan Carmichael called “How to MASTER the Art of SELLING #MentorMeJordan“. My summary of his top 7 tips are included below:

  1. Learn to Influence & Persuade
    • One of the greatest skills you can learn that will make a great impact on you personally and professionally is learning how to influence and persuade others. Dale Carnegie’s book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” is a great place to get started.
  2. Transfer Certainty
    • As soon as you walk in the room, a prospect is going to begin making some assumptions, judging you. One of those things that will be conveyed is your certainty in yourself and your product. You want to be 100% certain and enthusiastic so that the prospect can become certain too.
  3. Be in Control of the Sale
    • When selling, your prospect is always moving on a scale of certainty. This is where the concept of the waterline comes in. There is a margin above and below that is safe, where you as a salesperson can control the sale, but going beyond it can mean losing control of the sale.
  4. Lower the Waterline
    • Lowering the waterline is the idea of making it easier for your prospect to say “yes” because when you hear “no” it does not really mean they are not interested… it means they are not certain. When they are saying “no” you are still making massive progress below the waterline, and by lowering it you can still hook your prospect.
  5. Match & Mirror
    • Matching your prospect’s body language by pacing and following their actions allows you to strengthen your rapport with them, removing some of the awkwardness when done subtly. You can read more about it here in my previous blog post!
  6. Manage your State
    • While you cannot control everything that happens in a sale, the one thing you can control is yourself. By managing your state of being, your mindset, your process, how you react to situations… you can make every sale the same.
  7. Always be Prepared
    • The most valuable thing you can do is to understand what you are selling and who you are selling to. Doing research on your prospect in advance will allow you to better formulate your strategy for the meeting. Your interactions with a prospect are tailored to them, so understanding both these things will help you be confident in the other six areas of this list.

I recommend that you watch the original video curated by Evan Carmichael (24 minutes) below, and I am sure that you will want to save it for referencing again for a refresher on sales!


By Cameron Suorsa

Entrepreneur, Student, and Intern.

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