During a sales conversation, and something that we saw in our sales pitches in front of the class, is that it can be very difficult to maintain control of the sales conversation with a client. In order to do this, it is key to keep asking the prospective client questions to try and maintain control. If the prospect starts asking questions, you can answer them but it is really important to just answer their questions with a question of your own as the salesperson to turn it back on them and to keep control of the conversation. If a smart prospect knows they have control, they may try to manipulate price and get you in a position as a salesperson that you don’t want to be in. Something that we saw with the sales pitches at the end of the semester in almost all of the conversations was almost the tug of war between the potential prospect and the potential seller. Both the potential prospect and the potential seller were constantly trying to ask a bunch of questions to try and take or keep control of the conversation. It is important as the salesperson to keep control by answering questions with questions of your own that are phrased to keep the same topic going with the prospective client. The other key is making sure that your prospect thinks they have control, but in reality you as the salesperson are still controlling the conversation as a whole. If the salesperson feels that they are not in control, they may think that you as the salesperson are trying to rip them off and try to pull a fast one over their heads, so they as the prospect will be less inclined to buy the product or service off of you in that situation.

4 thoughts on “Keeping Control”
  1. Keeping control of a conversation is so key in the mind of a good salesperson. During my sales conversation, I found myself initially wanting to answer the prospect’s questions, particularly about budget, but I fell back on our class discussions about answering a question with a question to maintain control of the conversation.

  2. Great post! totally agree, keeping control of the conversation is key when it comes to sales. The best way to do that is by asking questions!

  3. It is so easy to feel like you have to answer the questions asked. This is especially the case when you have a suspicious prospect who is weary of the blockhead sales men who might actively avoid questions. However, to maintain control the salesperson must find away to appease the prospect will still asking further questions.

  4. keeping control of a conversation is not something I would have initially though was a sales tactic, but after this class I completely understand the importance of maintaining control even if it subconsciously.

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