In class we explored three different questions to ask yourself when preparing your sales pitch.

What do you want them to know?

When making a sale one of the most important pre-sale tips is to know and understand your audience. To connect with your audience, you need to understand why your topic is important to them. What do they expect to learn from the presentation? Don’t assume the audience is like you. This is important because if you know who your audience is you have a good idea of what their pain is and will be able to meet their need. You can than go about a sale in a tactical way that will let your audience know what they wanted to hear from the start.

What do you want them to feel?

Another important question to be asking yourself when preparing a pitch is, What do you want my prospective to feel? Here is where you explore the pain point of your customer and try to pinpoint what it is they are looking for. If you can find the pain point of your customer, your job of pitching becomes much easier because you can show the customer that your product will fix their problem and give them a feeling of confidence in your product or service.

What do you want them to do?

A call to action from your prospective is the next question to ask yourself when preparing your pitch. What do I want my customer to do? This is important because without any action, there is no sale. Here is where you ask the customer to move forward in the sales process and create the sale.

2 thoughts on “Key Questions in Pitching”
  1. Very clear overview of the important questions to ask when pitching. 🙂 I think that the last one, “what do you want them to do?” is often the most important and most difficult one to achieve.

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