In sales it is key to be able to understand what you are selling but more importantly who are you selling to? knowing your target audience is the goal before and during that time of selling. If someone pushes a product to someone who clearly has no need for that product. Then they need to be able to pivot as a possible selling point for maybe something they would want to purchase. Knowing ones target audience is what allows for success. If a doctor loves using a certain type of equipment and does not want to change it might not work to sell them a product that would take away the use of that equipment unless it was perhaps a very open minded doctor. However the seller would need to know about that going in to the sale otherwise it would backfire on them.  For big sales it is important to do research on who the target customer is and what they might be looking for before someone tries to sell to them. people are very opinionated and are not normally looking to buy and give away some of their money just because the salesperson was nice to them

To be the best best seller it is paramount that one understand the necessary background knowledge to be able to sell to their target audience.

2 thoughts on “Know your Target Audience”
  1. I agree, gathering information on who you’ll be trying to sell to is a crucial step of the process. When selling, you’re trying to convince someone that it is beneficial to part with something they have, and to accept something your trying to give them. Without knowledge of your customer going into the sale, you’re at an extreme disadvantage.

  2. You are right on the importance of knowing your target audience. Any great sales pitch can easily be lost on the ears of the wrong audience. Half the battle in sales is knowing where to direct your energy. Once you have that down, you are in a much better position to have higher closing numbers.

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