Everyone has been talking about the recent increase in price to Disney parks. As I started to think about this, I realized that this increase in price would probably not effect ticket sales at all. Why is this? Disney could probably could increase one ticket to $300 and they would probably still sell the same amount of tickets. I read an article by Entrepreneur that talked about Disney and the keys to marketing. One of the keys that the article talked about was, “accessibility with a touch of exclusivity.”  The article talks about how Disney has an exclusive club that costs a lot of money to join but people are willing to pay it. People feel special when they belong to something exclusive.

This can so easily be related to sales. People will buy more if they feel like they are part of an exclusive club. Starbucks does this with their gold card that requires people to purchase so much to receive the gold card. Many stores and companies do this to increase their sales because they know that if they have something special for repeat or exclusive customers, people will buy the item just to feel special. As the article points out, this can be a great way to sell to people and to have repeat customers. If the customer feels that they are getting something special because they are a repeat customer, they will want to keep buying from you, to earn the reward. My family used to have Disney passes and every year Disney would sell special items just for the pass holders. It seems so silly now, at the money I would spend just because, I felt elite getting to purchase the item. Letting the customers feel that they are special because they get a special discount or something of the sort, makes the customer keep coming back, because they always want to feel that special.



By allieo

2 thoughts on “Learning from Disney”
  1. I think you bring up an excellent point about exclusivity. That seems to be the way a lot of businesses operate these days. Creating a sort of exclusive club that makes people feel special and especially generates higher volumes of sales. I know it makes me feel special when I get an exclusive offer and it really makes me think, oh, i’m special, I should join this thing, etc.

  2. I definitely agree with what you said about Disney! They have marketed themselves in such a way that it is now more about an experience rather than a product, and this affiliation with the brand name spills onto all their products! This exclusivity is just one of many tools that they use to keep a loyal group of customers! Great observations!

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