At Grove City College you will have a chance almost weekly to hear from a accomplished speaker. Speakers range from CEO’s to just beginning a startup. Each speaker has their own knowledge on how they grinded to get to where they are today. I had the chance to hear CEO Blaine Hurst talk twice. The main thing that I walked away with was what came from the final minutes of his lecture in Sticht. He was telling a story about his son. His son is disabled, but has a heart of gold. His son wanted to be apart of a team in high school, and the cross country coach took him in with open arms. Blaine’s son began the year not being able to finish races and being hurt after almost every race. But by the end of the year as many of you heard he was inspiring others. Blaine’s son finished his final race, after falling time and time again, he always got up. The man riding behind him to make sure he was okay said he got up every time with a smile on his face saying he was okay.

Not many people have a drive like that. I think a huge part of obtaining a drive like that is finding something you love to do. You will work harder not because your boss wants you to, but because you want to be the best at what you do.

3 thoughts on “Learning from speakers”
  1. What a great story that can be applied to almost anything in life. The amount of drive that the kid had to finish that race was unreal. His efforts in his sport echo to others watching him and influence them to feel that same drive when it comes to their own work.

  2. Really enjoyed this blog submission from you! I think it is really interesting to read stories like this and helps motivate me. It’s perseverance like this that takes you far in life. Hopefully others see how this relates to sales, business, and life in general. Its a universal lesson that we all must appreciate and learn for ourselves.

  3. Having a drive in life is very important in anything you do. In sales, it is very much needed. A large percentage of conversations will not end with a sale. You need to keep a positive attitude and know that the sales will come, and it will all be worth it. You also need to look at each conversation and learn from it to better your next one.

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