As a salesperson, there is a very high chance that you will hear the word “no” as opposed to the word “yes” when discussing and trying to sell to a potential buyer. It is extremely important that as sellers we get used to being rejected. Most of the time it is personal and just business, and many times it just isn’t the right fit for the buyer to buy off of you as a seller. I know that am someone that struggles with rejection. I used to struggle with the potential of rejection alot in high school, but that has slowly gotten better as I have grown and matured throughout the rest of high school and the duration of college. I think I am well prepared in whatever role I go into in order to accept rejection and not be too phased by it and understand that each no is closer to another yes. Learning how to deal with rejection can certainly help build character, and it has helped in my case.

2 thoughts on “Learning to How Accept Rejection”
  1. great post Philip!
    What I took away from this is that rejection is something that you can never get away from when it comes to sales no matter how good

  2. Great post! facing rejection is so common in sales, and I love how you pointed out that it build character. It’s almost a good thing that salesmen get rejected more than not so that they’re able to brush it off and move on.

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