Mimicking, as discussed by Pink, can be a useful selling tool in a multitude of ways. Imitating speech patterns can help set a customer at ease. Another form of mimicking that can be incredibly beneficial to sales scenarios is that of active listening, and is another lesson I learned from my father. He is never satisfied to simply listen closely to you, as what he hears you say may not be what you were attempting to communicate. By repeating back to you what you said in his own words, he can assure that he has heard you correctly and provide you with the recognition that he has heard you.

When selling any service or product, the tendency to have “happy ears” is strong. Practicing active listening, and repeating back their statement or question in your own words can help confirm or deny whether you are hearing them accurately.

4 thoughts on “Lessons From My Dad – Active Listening”
  1. Active Listening and Mimicking are awesome tools, but I think it is also your responsibility as a salesman to limit those approaches if all you’re doing is slowing down the conversation, not coming to new understanding.

  2. This is a skill that a lot of people have lost and that we need to practice more often, it would make even personal relationships much easier.

  3. It’s an interesting idea to repeat what people are saying back to them. I think there is a line that can be crossed, however, in annoying people by repeating everything they say. I think this concept can be really helpful to sales, to make sure you are hearing what the customer really wants.

  4. One thing I find helpful is nodding my head or just giving a little “MmmHmm” when i’m listening to one of my friends and then repeating key points when necessary. The nodding and “MmmHmm shows the person you are still listening and being able to repeat key points helps both of you to stay engaged. I agree with Josh that it is possible to go over-board with this in personal relationships but when used in moderation I think it can be helpful.

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