Let’s play pretend for a moment. Say for the sake of the conversation that you are speaking with a potential client and she is being vague, but is still trying to nudge you toward committing to doing all of the ground work before making your sales pitch. What, for the sake of argument, would happen if you said, “I’d be happy to start working on this immediatly. But first tell me, if I wander off, make all of the specific specifications for the project we’re speaking about and it is exactly what we are talking about… what would happen at that point?” See the point of playing pretend is to get the prospect to describe the future today. If they are serious customers then they shouldn’t be apposed to nailing down exactly the process and cut out the guessing game, so to speak.

One thought on “Let’s Play Pretend”
  1. I think it is difficult to get the prospect to nail down what the future would be like. I don’t think that many prospects really know what the future will be like. A salesperson is there to solve and identify problems.

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