We’ve learned that all prospects lie. Some just don’t want to hurt your feelings. Others don’t want you to know that they’re not as important as they’ve made themselves appear. In either case, wouldn’t it be nice to have clues as to whether or not someone is lying?

This video shows various lying “tells” that are unconsciously common. The next time someone blinks rapidly when they say they’re the final decision maker, you may want to ask a  few non-intrusive questions to get the truth 🙂


4 thoughts on “Liar liar…”
  1. I think it is interesting that people who were just guessing at whether someone was lying or not were more often accurate than those who were alert to and looked for some of the signs of lying. I suppose abiding by Sandler’s Rule bypasses any ill judgment in this department.

  2. I think it’s really important to be engaged in conversation, and attuned to what people are saying, so that you are able to make this judgement, and make sure that what they are saying is true! Unfortunately, some people are better at lying than others, and this is always something that we need to be looking out for!

    1. This is a very interesting article, and prospects really do lie. It’s our job as salespeople to be engaged and genuine during a conversation with a prospect because if we aren’t fully engaged, we may not be able to pick up the hints or “tells” that our prospect is lying.

  3. This is similar to the improv skill. Knowing when people are lying to you is very helpful in saving you time. It could mean that you figure out a sale would never happen, but it is better for you to know that sooner rather than later.

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