Rejection is rough. It happens to all of us, and sometimes it can feel very personal. Wether it losing a sale, not being accepted, losing a contest, or getting rejected. Although all of these can hurt, it’s important to remain positive, learn what you can from it, and to not let it affect you in the future. Here are some helpful tips when dealing with rejection and how to overcome it through a buoyant lifestyle.

  1. Don’t Let Rejection Hold You Back – With great risk comes great reward, but we also have to remember that with great risk can come great failure. You can’t let the fear of rejection prevent you from going after something great. Life is full of rejection, and only the buoyant survive. We all could use a little more buoyancy in our lives, because you can’t save yourself once you start drowning.
  2. Surround Yourself with Friends – The Beatles were onto something when they said “I get by with a little help from my friends.” If you’re feeling down, surround yourself with friends, that’s what they’re for, and remember to be there for them when they need you.
  3. You Can Be Sad – Many people would say I’m the most buoyant person they know, but that doesn’t mean I’m never sad or get down, it just means that I know how to pick myself back up. I don’t let things affect me as badly because I don’t take things personally. As a human, you are expected to feel emotions. “Being buoyant” does not mean “always being happy.” Sometimes you’ve got to give yourself some time to be sad or frustrated, just don’t let it consume you.
  4. Pray – As cheesy as it may sound, we need to turn to God for buoyancy. He keeps our heads above the water and helps us when we ask Him. We can always go to God when we need to be lifted up. Like I said before, once you start drowning you can’t save yourself, but God can.

People have different ways to cope with rejection and loss, and it’s important to find out how you personally cope with rejection, wether it be watching Titanic while eating a gallon of ice cream or going on a run to process things and to clear your mind. Rejection and failure aren’t permanent. Remind yourself that you can get through anything.

One thought on “Living the Buoyant Life”
  1. “You can’t let the fear of rejection prevent you from going after something great. Life is full of rejection…”

    I love how you said this and I agree with it completely. In life, you are going to fail over and over again. It is important that in times of struggle you get back up and keep fighting for what you love. I also loved how in the very next point you emphasized the importance of having good friends. Good friends are going to be there for you when you get knocked down. It is important to surround yourself with people who are desiring to be successful as well. So that when you fall down, you have people there to pick you back up. Most importantly is is crucial to be in a relationship with God. When God is by your side anything is possible.

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