This video gives motivation on making a good day. Do not wake up and have a good day. Go out and make the day a good day. We have control over everyday that we live. We control if we wake up with joy in our heart and make the day start off strong, or if we go into a meeting and sit there bored pretending to listen instead of getting something out of it. You did not have a bad day or have a good day, you made it that way. While we do not have full control over our day and what happens to us, we do have complete ownership. In sales it is so important to understand that you are responsible for your day. Take control of everyday and make it a good one. Maybe you lost your top client, go and make it a good day by starting to find leads on a new client. There are going to be bad days, people are going to tell you no, you need to do everything you can to make the best of it, learn from it, and react with strength to get to where you want to be. There is a positive or take away from everything that happens to you. If your top client goes out of business, you have a lot more free time to go after new clients or expand business with others. Does it stink to lose your number one client? Yes, of course it does, but that should not be your focus. Do not sit there and pout when you can be out making a difference. Your focus should be on what you can do to make your new number one client even better and what new clients you can go out and pursue to build your customer base. Never feel bad for yourself or complain, it does not change anything in your life. Do what you can to make today a good day.

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