Sales ultimately is about forming realtionship. Pink’s chapter on service is great example of this.  He used one example of doctors who were diagnosing patients.  When they put the patients face next to their name, the doctors were much more careful in their assessments.  I think this tactic would also be a huge benefit to the Soarway foundation.

Let’s say that much like Make-A-Wish foundation, Soarway used pictures of the girls, or the girls making the products in their working environment that Kobald has created.  I think that even having pictures of the girls to show potential partners/buyers would have helped in our in class projects.

As Pink mentions, and as numerous studies show, making things personal seriously increases sales success. By having and showing pictures, the girls would come to life for potential buyers.  It would no longer be “another donation.”  It would become what the problem actually is: pulling young women out of sex slavery.

With that in mind, i think it is crucial that the Soarway foundation come up with a short (1 min) video. It would connect the girls with anybody that heard and saw their story.

2 thoughts on “Making It Personal”
  1. I agree with sales being about relationships! That is why it is so important to be honest, if we are not honest in sales relationships then there is no point in making the sale. Using third party stories is a great way to improve these relationships and make a customer feel welcome and safe.

  2. Trust is huge in sales. Even if you do not close the sale, having a good relationship with prospects will always be beneficial, whether they refer people to you or even end up coming back to do business.

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