Being a medical salesman is a very important job and there are many aspects that deal with real life selling and selling to doctors. One thing is for certain is that doctors do not have a lot of freetime and when meeting with medical salespeople, they may not be in the best mood or even care to hear what you are selling them. This is a very difficult situation because while you never want to be too pushy, you also want to sell your product in the little time that you have.

Harshit Jain shares some of his advice when you are in the position of medical sales and want to grow your business. One of the most important things is to build a strong network and have deep connections. This can be done through in person meetings and over online apps, emails and so on. Getting connected and then staying connected is very important even if you just check in to see how the other person is doing. Another important tip is to never miss on follow-ups. Following up with doctors or medical professionals is very important and lets them know that you are serious and really care about the hospitals best interest and not just making a profit. Statistics show that 80% of deals needed at least 5 follow up calls. The last one to discuss is the importance of story-telling. This helps connect with others by really diving into the story and sharing the experience of ones own life and how it may connect to the others.

The advice that I learned from Jain has really given me a better perspective because I work with my dad, Ross Kraus, who started his medical sales business 25 years ago. My dad works really hard and he is one of the most connected people I know but mainly through personal connections. I had to set up his LinkedIn account for him because he is not too familiar with technology. I am going to share this advice with him and document the behind the scenes skills of being in this field.

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