Sales is often a technique that takes lots of practice and can be achieved more easily. Within this episode of The Office, Michael and Jan are us to make a sale at Chili’s restaurant. They had wanted to have a sign to use if anything were to go bad during the meeting first off, but they ended off getting the sale in the end. Jan started right off into business as they sat down with the customer, however, Michael’s approach was to start off trying to get more personal with their customer. He often goes the comedy route, which sometimes takes the edge off of the awkwardness of a sales meeting. This worked in this case, often it can be a hit or miss, but still applicable.

Another thing that is key in sales is you need to gauge how the customer wants to proceed with the meeting. You need to be able to determine how fast or slow their pace is, then match that and you can have a better chance of making the sale or at least getting more information out of them by asking good questions. By getting to know the customer, they feel that you actually care and that you want to help them get the best deal they can, if the product or service fits their needs. Michael used this technique and ultimately created a chill environment as the customer responded well to a less formal conversation among them. Also, sometimes this can be distracting, but also meeting during a mealtime may also create a less awkward experience when you are meeting with potential customers for an “interview” or meeting. This helped in the sale of their paper products which helps the Dunder Mifflin company he is a part of. Just be honest with them and they will be honest with you as you ask them questions to gain a better perspective as to where their thought processes are.

Chili’s Meeting – The Office US – Bing video

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