In class last week, we talked about the mimic strategy. Mimicry is the act of mirroring the emotions and gestures of the person they are conversing with. as professor Sweet said in class, mimicry is deeply human and it is an effort to connect to someone in a meaningful way which can be used as a sign of trust. When using mimicry in sales you have to be careful. You don’t want to mimic too hard so it doesn’t come off as just as a technique to make the sale. When using mimicry it should be organic.

We also watched a video clip of Impractical Jokers where Murr was tasked to mimic a stranger. This stranger had very high energy and all around just seemed like an upbeat guy. Murr was told to match his energy and instantly the stranger got even more excited and upbeat. When using mimicry the correct way, a subtle connection is created between you and the person you are talking too and it makes the conversation better.

3 thoughts on “Mimicing”
  1. I found that our discussion about mimicry really intriguing. As many people know, our bodies subconsciously mimic the people around us- yawning, breathing rates, and more. It really makes sense that mimicking people in sales builds trust between both parties.

  2. I also found the idea of mimicry interesting. It really makes sense that a person want to do business with someone who acts in a similar manor that they do. I never even thought about it, but I do tend to do that when I meet someone new which I think will help me out in the future.

  3. I love the Practical Jokers simply because they have the guts to do things I would have totally done but don’t have the guts to do. It is tricky to master the art of mimicry because you don’t want to end up make your clients feel like you are mocking them, and that completely depend on what of personalities they have. So it is important to observe before hand then decide whether to implement mimicry to boost your relationship with the clients.

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