Mimicry is a method used by both clinical psychologists and salespeople alike. In psychology mimicry is a way to establish one of the most sought-after sales traits, trust. Humans are hardwired to seek relationships that are comfortable and can be built on the sharing of ideas, opinions, and beliefs. All throughout time this has granted humanity the ability to survive. Giving your trust to someone, especially someone that you do not know a deep level requires faith in them and can be won over, using a few psychological methods. 

On a sales call and in sales meetings a very effective tactic in gaining the trust of a customer is through mimicry. The attitude brought to a meeting, tone of voice, and even body posture are all ways in which psychologically humans will gain comfortability and in turn trust the salesperson. Much like the clip of the “roommate shopping” we watched in class, mimicking the attitude and picking up on social ques that are displayed by a potential customer is a very effective way to create an artificial sense of similarity. This is not a scummy method if you have good intentions with the customer and truly want to cater to their best interests. 

Developing a bond with the customer will go miles even when sales are not successful. Branding yourself as a salesperson that is personable, caters towards their interests and understands of other’s situations are all ways you can subtly yet effectively mimic the target customer while providing personal and effective sales tactics. 

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