The last two summers, I have worked for insurance agencies and financial management firms as part of an internship for them. As a junior, I worked for the Mass Mutual Life Insurance company, and the branch that I worked at was stationed in Pittsburgh, PA. My role with Mass Mutual, was as a insurance salesman trainee. The first two weeks of my internship was basically cramming in all the study information for the insurance license test and trying to retain that information in order to pass the test and be a certified and licensed salesman for them. The majority of the internship after the license was obtained, was prospecting for the company.

The first kind of prospecting that i had to do was cold calling. We were in charge of booking at least ten different meeting a week. With no experience in cold calling at this point, it was stressful and honestly not very effective. They gave us leads, but half of them were not interested no matter what we said and the other half didn’t answer. In the long run, this company did not set us up for success and never trained us into how to be good prospectors. This gave me a bad and negative opinion of what prospecting was.

The other company that i worked for most recently gave me a new outlook on what it meant to be a good prospector. This company, who’s name is Surace-Smith Insurance Agency, actually trained me and let me shadow experienced people in the field. We actually did Sandler Sales Training twice a week and had a framework on how we went about prospecting. I had the opportunity to lead informational or informative meeting at different workplaces around my area. I gave them advice for insurance and financial planning without trying to sell to them. This allowed me to get my name and face out there and let them know what do. This resulted in much more effective prospecting and led to way more meeting than cold calling.

By Cobie

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