I will be the first to admit that my sales conversation did not go according to plan when I did it in front of Professor Sweet and the class. I was extremely nervous and worried I would not do enough selling to the other person and not get my point across. I was actually really disappointed with how it went but now that I look back at it, it was a really great learning experience.

One of the biggest mistakes that  know I did was that I know I talked way to much. That good old 70/30 rule that we spent so much time discussing just completely went out of the window when I started the conversation. I was just so focused on selling that I forgot how important it is to just sit and listen. The other thing I know I really struggled with was focusing the conversation. The person I was selling to would try and throw me off guard and I fell for it and would take the conversation in a different direction.

Lastly I think the biggest thing I learned is that not every sales conversation will go according to plan and that there might be times where I do talk too much and get off track but that’s okay. It is important to remember that everything takes practiced to master and even selling is not something I might be the greatest at overnight. Unfortunately practice makes perfect but I was extremely glad I was able to try and put what we learned into practice  for the class.

One thought on “My Sales Conversation”
  1. I think you did a good job on your sales pitch, but I understand that we are all our own worst critic. It is good that you are recognizing what could have made the conversation gone better and now you know how to do better in the future.

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