I chose the role of a cleaning service for my sales conversation. I put some thought and consideration into what I would say during my conversation, such as how I would introduce my topic and greet the prospect. Beyond that, I realized that whoever I was conversing with would be unpredictable and throw me some curve balls during our discussion, so I just decided to think on my feet and go with the flow. I thought the conversation felt natural and I hit the points I wanted to hit. There were a few times where I had to take a step back from what I wanted to say, and use the sales techniques I had learned in class, such as answering a question with a question. I tried to avoid getting frazzled by the budget conversation, and turned his question back to him. This got him talking and me listening, which is exactly what I was hoping for. All in all it was definitely a diffiicult experience, but it went better than expected, and I definitely learned a lot.

3 thoughts on “my sales conversation 7#”
  1. I ran into the same issue in preparing for my own sales conversation. The most I could do was go over the basic concepts knowing that the actual conversion would be unpredictable.

  2. The sales conversation was a real challenge for me as well. It’s a lot to take in, but I’m glad we had to do it, now we can better understand the torrent of information that would be present in real sales conversations.

  3. I agree that you did a great job with your sales conversation and showing that these conversations can be a very natural, friendly thing. This allowed you to be more comfortable as well as the prospect. I also think you did a great job of controlling the conversation through asking questions and keeping the focus on his needs and pains. Great job!

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