Throughout the semester, I have found myself on the “hot seat” in our class on multiple occasions. At the time, I was very nervous and did not know what to really expect other than the fact that Professor Sweet was going to roast me and I was going to talk too much. As we got ready for our official sales conversation at the end of the semester, I was still pretty nervous as to what to expect, mainly because the people who had gone before me were given curveballs or unexpected twists in their presentations. I was also worried Prof Sweet was going to give me extra curveballs since I already got to have several hot seats with him before. However, as the conversation started, I became much more comfortable than I had been in previous conversations. One of the biggest things I focused on with this round was trying very hard to turn any of Professor Sweet’s questions back into a question. At times, I thought for sure I was getting backed into a corner, and was doing way too much of the talking. But as I got deeper into the talk and finding out elements of Sweet’s pain, it became much easier. He nearly got me boxed, and I was starting to talk to much I tried thinking of how I could turn it back into a question for him, which I was fortunately able to do. I think doing this exercise at the end of the semester was extremely beneficial for a few reasons. Primarily, it gave us a little taste as to how uncomfortable you can become in a sales situation where you need to be uncovering the pain and budget and the full story of the client. It also is a good exercise to better point out some of our personal flaws and mistakes in sales scenarios, which hopefully we can continue to develop as we progress throughout our lives.

One thought on “My Sales Conversation Experience”
  1. Great stuff Joey! I think you did great in the hot seat. Asked a lot of good questions and I especially liked your budget questions and how important budget was to the prospect.

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