When I was doing my sales project, I was completely caught off guard by professor Sweet and his line of questioning as well as his immediate shift from me having control to him suddenly taking it, only for me to hastily do my best to take it back. Going in I had a plan, I memorized info I wanted to bring up, and I thought I knew how the conversation was going to go, but just like a real sales conversation it didn’t go exactly as planned. It didn’t matter if I knew exactly what points I wanted to hit in what order and in what way, as soon as I got in the conversation if I didn’t maintain control then I was hosed and would lose the sale, no matter how well I answered the client’s questions. I didn’t have the right mindset going in and ended up going in circles at the beginning and barely holding control of the flow of the conversation, which ended up being lost at the end. I think the only redeeming aspect of my conversation was being able to get control back and that’s only because Professor Sweet commended me on that at the end. Outside of how I was in it though, I think it was very informative to just how much of it is how you interact with the client and not just how well you know your info. I think this will really help me improve how I approach sales in the future and I look forward to growing more as a salesmen. Even if that means getting my butt handed to me in a sales simulation.

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