There are some misconceptions that still exist to this day from traditional “old school” sales and we will be looking at three common myths about salespeople that are more often false than true in today’s modern salesforces.

1. The Blockhead

You might hear someone say, “They can’t hold down other jobs, but it doesn’t take a genius to sell things!”

While it may not take a genius, that does not mean everyone should be in sales. While it is possible to learn how to sell effectively, being in sales comes with its own unique challenges. Often facing rejection on a regular basis, it is fair to say that not everyone can handle this kind of job.

2. The Moneygrubber

Often times we might just assume that salespeople are only interested in profiting from us – merely seeking to close the sale and collect their commissions. While this may be true for some, the vast majority of people honestly care about understanding your problems and helping you to discover a solution!

3. The Natural

We have all heard the saying, “That kid is a born salesperson…”

Often times people will use this myth as an excuse that they just aren’t naturally skilled salespeople… but in reality, it is a skill that can be learned and developed in time.

While some people may have more of an inclination to sell than others, everyone has their own way of selling… even if it is only in the non-traditional sense with the act of persuasion.

By Cameron Suorsa

Entrepreneur, Student, and Intern.

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