In sales we have discussed the differences between introverts, extraverts, and ambiverts. Extraverts tend to be talkative, assertive and pull energy from social interaction. Introverts differ in that they tend to be shy, and extensive social interaction can be exhaustive leading to needing “alone time”. Ambiverts are the balance of the two and we have discussed the viability of this in sales. Extraverts, however, are mythicized to be the best salesmen, multiple studies site otherwise.

How do you navigate this? As someone, who although on a quick test was marked as an ambivert, most definitely leans extravert. I find myself breaking some of the general sales rules in interviews, debates, or conversations.

What are some of the major pitfalls of being an extravert in sales? We tend to talk to much. Knowing when to listen is a keep aspect of sales and as extraverts we often try to mind read, guessing what the other person is thinking or coming up with questions while they are speaking, interrupt or get so excited about what we are talking about that we miss a lot of the small queues that introverts are good at noticing, body language, tone and even word choices or pauses. As we talked about it in class we also love to “spill our candy in the lobby” and answer questions that were never asked.

It is important to keep your mind clear while in a conversation by writing questions down so that you can focus on what they are saying. Slow down and keep in mind the reason that you are there.

By Mason

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