Daymond John has made himself well known through the show of Shark Tank, however, he was not always the man we know today. He is a self-made millionaire even though his childhood was quite the opposite. He has fought for a grave amount of what he owns today, but Daymond has become a great success across the nation, especially within the entrepreneurship world. His main motivator from a young age was focus and determination to make his life better and to become a success in the world. He lived in poverty from a very young age, but he still took the initiative to work hard and strive to reach the top of the business world. He was never influenced by the world around him, other than to make great success and wealth. His success has been through being the CEO of FUBU, a fashion brand. He has written five books on sales and advice, and being on Shark Tank, an ABCs show.

Within some of his articles, Daymond has provided much needed advice on sales for all of those within the business realm of this world.  When it comes to sales and creating a start-up business, he has offered these top five check points for being a better success:

1. “It doesn’t matter who you know, or how much money you have.”

2. “The first failure doesn’t have to be final.”

-If you allow every failure to get in the way, then the next success may never arise. Don’t forget to pivot your ideas so they can be improved for the better.

3. “Keep as much equity as possible.”

4. “A crowded market can still be disrupted.”

5. “Expect to be in it for the long-haul.”

-Creating a business and generating sales and revenue takes time, businesses aren’t completely curated overnight, if that were true, everyone would have one.

Overall, Daymond John has had much experience within the sales arena with the successes of his companies and writing of books. Being able to sell is what makes your business a business. Make sure to talk to customers and find out what they are interested in, then your business can a higher probability of working and being much more of a success. Sales is key and everyone can be a salesman.


Five Pieces of Business Advice From Shark Tank’s Daymond John – ABC News (

Daymond John Net Worth 2022 – Bio, Shark Tank, FUBU, Wife & Story – Insider Growth

2 thoughts on “Need Sales Advice? – Daymond John”
  1. I found this blog post very interesting about Daymond John. It was interesting learning more about him since I just saw him on tv and knew nothing about him till I read this blog post. I found his top five check points for better success, very helpful and interesting. Daymond John has for sure has a lot of experience with the sales aspects.

  2. I like this little insight on Daymond. I think that a lot of people look at millionaires like Daymond as some big hot shot that really doesn’t know what they are talking about, but this blog post that highlights his top five check points just goes to show that is not true about Daymond. He is passionate and knowledgeable about the industry that he is in and takes pride in what he does.

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