In sales, a salesman or woman is working with consumers or prospects who bring misconceptions, baggage and premeditated defense tactics to the sales process. The modern salesperson is generally viewed as dirty, distasteful and deceitful. Years of outdated sales tactics have forced people to put these stigmas onto the modern salesperson. So why is it important for the modern salesperson to know this and how do they combat it?
Context is important for all parts of life. If you don’t know what you’re getting into before walking into a situation, you won’t be prepared to face what’s ahead. Imagine walking into a test you knew was coming up but you chose to skip every class and refused to study. Walking into that test would be nerve-racking. Or walking into a blind job interview. You don’t know the company or what they do or what they stand for. It would be nearly impossible  to succeed. Therefore, a salesperson needs to know the presupposed conceptions customers will have of them.
Just like in any relationship, mistrust is combated by consistency. Being in sales is easier said than done. A sales person must be consistently honest, direct, transparent, authentic and down-to-earth. A sales relationship, whether long-term or short-term needs to start with a honesty and authenticity. If there is a hint of deceitfulness, the buyer will sniff it out, the trust will be broken and the sale will be lost. Sales isn’t about pushing a product onto somebody. To be honest, the best sales isn’t about the product at all. If you can sell yourself, you’ll be able to sell your product much easier. But it starts with breaking down the stigma of the modern salesman.

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