Perhaps one of the most important aspects in sales is that of networking.  Some of the most successful business people are those who have the greatest network of people.  Networking may not always be easy, however.  Here are a few tips from that can help you make the process more productive.

1. First Impressions Matter – This is something that seems pretty self-explanatory.  We all know that people will form an opinion about you almost as quick as they see you.  This is why it is important to manage what your first impression is like.  In order to manage this, it is a good idea to write down what you would want people to think about you after they meet you.  Write it from their perspective and practice what you would want to say to convey this to them.  After meeting several people, begin to tweak this pitch until you have it the way you want it.

2. Follow Up Immediately –  This is something that is very important from a sales experience.  It can also be very important from a networking perspective, however.  If you promised someone something, you must follow up quickly.  Also if you want to further develop the relationship, it is a good idea to stop in to see that person shortly after or perhaps send a note that pertains to something you learned about that person.

3. Give More, Sooner – Although this is something you may want to avoid in a sales situation (until you have commitment), giving more is a way that will help develop relationships sooner.  Don’t wait until you further the relationship to help someone out with your knowledge or experience, give it when its needed.  This will help develop trust and meaningful relationships as well as help develop your desired image.



4 thoughts on “Networking”
  1. Networking is incredibly important. I especially appreciate your comment about following up on things you promise. One helpful tip is to give yourself extra time whenever you promise anything. I try to always give myself extra time when promising deliverables, because people are always pleased to get something early, never something late.

  2. I think one of the biggest assets a salesperson can bring into a new sales job is their network (legally, of course). Even if your network does not have a direct relation to the industry you are selling for, you never know where connections may lead. Beyond that, having a strong network proves that you are able to quickly and naturally strike up meaningful relationships with others: a must for sales!

  3. When I was going through General Motor’s sales training, one point that they made abundantly clear is that most sales are made in the first 30 seconds on contact with the customer. If a customer feels they can trust you and that you genuinely have their best interests in mind, they will always buy from you. And if you continue that relationship by following up after the sales periodically, the next time they need something, they will come back to you.

  4. I think first impressions are so so important. The first words that come out of your mouth, or simply the way you look uninterested, or bored or annoyed is going to be the lasting impression someone has of you. I think by smiling and just looking happy to be where you are is a good start to leaving a good impression of yourself. These are good tips!

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