The brain is a fascinating object and is so intelligent yet so malleable and can be easily persuaded. The brain is a fragile object, but one that also holds so much information and carry an entire life in itself. The brain can help to do many things, including helping salespeople be better at their job.

Neil Patel had written an article about seven neuroscience sales tips that can help to boost your sales. The first tip is influence marketing because influence “is your ability to persuade others to adopt your own perspective.” The way to do this is to appeal to the customers emotions, put time and care into content creation and friendships, and to work on public speaking skills. The next tip is to sell yourself before you sell the product. Email marketing has proven to be the most effective for this. The third tip is to “build interest with features; build desire with benefits”. We had learned about this in our sales class, you always want to sell the benefits of the product, not just the product itself. This will help to customer to believe that you care about them and want to see them comfortable and successful with their endeavors. Tip four is to “sell the results by painting a clear picture”. Most consumers today know exactly what they want in a product and if you are not clear as to what you sell, then they will not buy your product from you. The ways to do this are to lead with the value of the product, not its title and to show before and after results. Tip five is that credibility depends on trust and expertise. People are more likely to buy from you if you are a credible seller and to do that is to have excellent customer service reviews, answers questions truthfully, give valuable content, solve their problems, and build relationships. Step six is to remember that sales “is a ‘give and give’ relationship”. This is saying that sometimes you must give away products for free to be able to sell more product in the future. Finally, the seventh tip is that sometimes to close a sale, you must stop selling. Customers will be more willing to buy if you push your quality content, answer questions, and show results of what your product and/or service has done for people.


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