My sales conversation at the end of the year was a great reminder to me that good sales simply comes with practice.

The conversation itself went pretty well, but there is always things to improve upon. The reason I say this is because although I had a decent frame, and the conversation felt natural and secure, there were some holes in my frame that I should have thought about before that conversation. David was a pleasure to talk to, and he did a good job of exploiting those holes in my frame when he could. One of those holes that I specifically want to talk about is talking about how my product/service works. If I had a better way to talk about that or inform the client about what I did, I think he wouldn’t have so many questions about exactly what it is I can help with. Overall, I think the conversation was successful, but there’s definitely areas that I need to improve on and I’m glad I was able to have the opportunity to have a sales conversation in our class before I had a real one in real life. With this being something that I genuinely am trying to start, it’s important that I take note of all the things I can improve upon when I can. There is definitely room for improvement, specifically in my frame. I also began to think about questions like, “how can I talk about what I do without overwhelming the client? When is the right place to talk about what I do?” Because in a conversation with a potential client, you can’t always be asking questions-you must also answer questions for your client and become someone they trust. I definitely could have done a better job of maintaining control of the questions, and answering questions with questions. Overall, I’m happy for the experience because it helped me learn how to successfully navigate a sales conversation that I will most likely be having many of in the future.

One thought on “My sales conversation…”
  1. I think you were spot on when you talked about diverting the attention of the customer by answering an unasked question. Going off topic to something you weren’t talking about to answer is taking away from their ability to tell you what the problem is so you can solve the issue and not cause more issues for them

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