We all know about the famous Jehovah’s Witness door to door evangelism. With their prerecorded responses and famous ready to go selling points, but there’s a problem. Nobody likes it when they come to the door and try to pedal a gospel to us. The model of coming armed with features, benefits and unique selling points is not particularly effective for selling a refrigerator and most certainly cannot get me to confess my sins and become a changed man. It does make me wonder what would happen if they were able to outreach into a community and discover where that community is at spiritually before they try to give out their gospel…

2 thoughts on “Never Use the Hard Sell”
  1. We all have had those negative experience with people trying to force a product or service down our throats. Hopefully we can learn from these experiences and treat people like we wish to be treated.

  2. the hard sell is very off putting to todays consumers. you will almost definitely cost yourself the sale with a poorly timed strong arm approach

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