The old sales model focused on tricks and techniques for getting a customer to buy. Most people viewed that as the salesperson being manipulative and had a negative effect on the sale. The new sales model now focuses on four other ways to generate sales which more people are finding to be more effective.

  1. Relationship-based selling

Having a relationship, more specifically a positive relationship, with a customer is HUGE now these days when it comes to sales. If you have a positive relationship with your customer, they are more likely to trust you and keep coming back for more.

  1. Need Base Selling

Don’t try to sell a product or service to someone if they don’t need it. It is pointless to try to get someone to buy something from you if they don’t need it because you won’t be helping them if they do decide to invest in it. Or if they don’t decide to invest in the product/service, you would have wasted both the customer’s time as well as yours causing a loss of sale.

  1. Win-Win Scenarios

The best scenario for both the client and you is to end in a win-win. If both the customer and you walk away gaining something positive, the customer is most likely going to come back again if it works out and tell others, and you would gain a sale which is always good for business.

  1. Being Flexible and Client Oriented Within a System

Selling without a system is common, but ineffective. System thinking can be applied to the individual sale as well as to the process of generating and cultivating leads. Through this sales system, if you are flexible as well as understanding with a client, you are more likely to end with a sale.

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