A lot of people in this world see sales people as scams and gimmicks when trying to sell. To stop a client you are in contact with to think you are just trying to get a sale is to non-sales selling to the customer. Non-sales selling is about getting connections, gaining trust, and giving value without intent of making a sale. The goal is to create a long-term relationship with the client/customer to gain long lasting profits rather than immediate profit. Non-sales selling wraps around empathy and understaing of the client/customer. Listening is a skill that a sales person needs for this to understand and have empathy for them. Prioritizing the clients interests and taking time to make sure this is a right fit for the person you are talking to. This can help establish the sales representative as an advisor rather than a pushy salesperson. Continuing, this type of selling grows on authenticity and trasparency. being genuine in interactions can help build connections and loyalty to what you are selling.

All in all, non-sales selling is all about building relationships around new or past clients/customer, it is not about just closing deals on the first call. Prioritize empathy, education, authenticity, and transprency. Having this as a priority can help build long lasting sales and relationships that people can know they trust what you are trying to sell. Trust is currently lost in the world we live in today, so when they know you are trust worthy, they will start coming back to you and continue to gain more sales from it.

2 thoughts on “Non-sale selling – Post 2”
  1. I love that you focused on the relationships! This was something that stuck out to me as well, calling out the gimmicks and focusing on trust is a great way to illustrate the difference!

  2. Hi Nate, I completely agree with you that focusing on relationships is key to success in any field. Trust with co-workers, customers, and superiors will take you many places.

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