Daniel Pink’s breakdown of the six types of pitches in “To Sell is Human” was captivating and useful. I found the first one, the one-word pitch, particularly interesting and relevant in the ever increasing pace of our world. Pink explained the inspiration of the one word pitch as coming from a man named Maurice Saatchi, who began an advertising firm with his brother. In the discussion, Pink brought up examples of companies that have pressed so aggressively into the one word approach that consumers around the globe cannot help but equate the word with the company. For example, the single word. “search”, automatically triggers the empire of google. Saatchi’s theory behind the word pitch makes, what I consider, a grave statement about the attention span of humanity. He brilliantly observes that it is not only diminishing but almost disappearing altogether. To him, the one word sales pitch is the only way to the very top of the minds of consumers.



One thought on “One”
  1. This is such an interesting post! I had not thought about it that way. I think you are right, this concept does speak to the seemingly declining attention span of people in general. One word sales pitches are adapting to the way people think and this is a key part of sales. It changes and morphs as society changes.

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