I am very interested in the marketing and advertising side of business and sales. I recently read an article by iMPACT branding and design that talked about how vital it is for sales and marketing to align. Coordination between these two departments is essential. Here is a few examples of ways marketing and sales should coordinate within a company:

It is important that sales and marketing teams are on the same page in terms of what a quality prospect is for your company, or it will be impossible to sell or market effectively. What are ideal prospects, where can you find them and how should they be targeted? Demographics? Behaviors?

In most cases, nearly 57% of the buyer’s purchase decision is made before even talking to Sales. Reps need to know the areas marketing has covered that a customer already knows from a landing page form, social media interactions and other advertising so reps don’t start asking questions the prospect already has answered.

The world of sales and marketing isn’t slowing down, and is constantly changing. One sales technique or “selling point” could be relevant and provide value one day, and be irrelevant the next. The tides of what people want are shifting quickly. “To succeed today, you need to dive in and evolve your strategy to keep with the shifting landscape.” It is essential to keep up with digital platforms and consumer behavior and for sales and marketing to be on the same page regarding potential customers. After all, even if the two departments are separate on paper…Everyone is a salesperson in today’s world.

One thought on “One Common Goal – Importance of Marketing and Sales Coordination”
  1. Good point about how sales and marketing have to be on the same page. I often have made my purchase decision before I ever speak with someone in sales. I usually look for a salesperson to confirm everything that marketing has told me. If they are way off from each other it can put me off from buying something.

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