Immediately, three quarters of the audience tuned out just by reading the heading. However, our public servants and representatives also hold to sales principles as well as Constitutional principles.


In a country where the federal government made us think that it has much more responsibilities than it actually does, politicians have to sell themselves in order to be reelected. They need to listen to their constituents and find their pain. They must know their customers (voters) and their product; in their case, the product is promises to amend the problems presented by constituents while also keeping within the boundaries of their power limitations by the Constitution and the law. They have to persuade people to vote for them instead of manipulation.


Much like giving a direct answer is bad in sales, giving a direct answer in politics could be political suicide, giving the fodder your opposition needs to throw at you for years come. Instead, when a reporter asks a question, respond with a question. Although, just be careful of what question you ask (“What is Aleppo?” –Gary Johnson).


Politics has much more cold calling than the previous topics because, more often than not, you as an individual politician are so niche that people don’t know to want you. Worse, people know you’re a politician and don’t want you at all. People just don’t go to the capital and browse for a politician. It is a much more active search for clientele with more kickback than normal telemarketers have.


Politicians need to be mindful of the basic sales psychology. The audience may be more alert to how you feel about spending money, especially when it’s their money your spending! Politicians also need to not answer an unasked question. It takes away from serving your constituents and their needs. Plus, there’s enough problems with the government; Why give yourself more to clean up?


The most important sales principle for a politician has to be understanding the negative associations with the profession. Especially with the times that the country seems to be more divided than ever, more care has to be put in the profession you chose to wallow in. Like a tacky, obnoxious salesman, a politician is met with people with misconceptions and baggage from previous encounters of the government. The people may also have premeditated defense tactics, such as the absolute abhorrent behavior from both sides of the spectrum during and after the past election. Politicians need to know what they are up against in order to be successful in whatever they actually do for a job.

One thought on “Other Applications for Sales Principles – Part 3 – In Politics”
  1. I agree. Networking is key to sales. One has to has to maintain a high standards of integrity in order to build trust and relationships. Making sure you your product or service is actually something they value. Ask them if they if they care about or use certain products or service and tell them you sell that product or service too. Then shut up and see if they want to know more about it. if they do then go ahead answer with a question or short answers.

    By all means. If that what it takes to effective at building relationships with potential voters. Be mindful, fair when it comes to treating everyone equally and no cheating or exception when come treating everyone equally before the law.

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