The Paris olympics is on the way and is looking to be one that is remembered. In prior decades the Olympics was something that families gathered to watch and was viewed by millions of people all over the world. With the rise of on demand television the desire to watch the olympics has declined very drastically. The art of sales can be tapped into to help bring back the fame and glory that the Olympics used to hold. Some major techniques being used to draw attention to Paris is the investment in a massive amount of infrastructure. $4.5 billion was given by the olympic committee to bring the highest quality sporting complexes to Paris. 

Athlete endorsements are another huge aspect of reeling in viewers. With the rise of social media being so prevalent, young viewers are consuming more content than ever. The audience for “advertising” in a sense has become much younger. Athletes who have a following on social media platforms have an opportunity now unlike ever before. They are able to not only bring attention to themselves through their socials, but also bring attention to their country and the Olympics as a whole. The transition into the digital age would surely seem like a “pro” when it comes to something like the olympics. The readily available access to streaming services and youtube videos has negatively affected our desire to watch live television. In hopes of sparking some new habits, countries all around the world are doing their best to sell viewers on the special moments that could be seen through endorsing popular athletes and investigating billions into beautifully crafted infrastructure. 

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