In such a widespread market, getting consumers to spend eighty five dollars on a pair of shorts seems unheard of unless it is coming from a brand of ridiculous riches. Patagonia, the outdoor adventure brand is not the typical prospect for such a high price. However people like myself find themselves in the checkout line willing to spend such a large amount of money on such a small piece of clothing. Why are we willing to do so? I think it all boils down to the amazing marketing and sales tactics that Patagonia uses. 

Patagonia finds its success in a few places, a loyal following, a beautiful box logo, and sustainability. All of these things combined with the letters “Patagonia” have built one of the most popular and well known brands of our day and age. 

Loyalty from customers is huge in today’s day and age. Patagonia’s marketing team knows this and has employed a few hugely effective strategies. Return policies and trade ins are something that come at a cost to the company, but in turn keep customers loyal. 

The patagonia box logo is a piece of perfection. The design itself is very simplistic but speaks volumes. In terms of aesthetic pleasure. The logo is balanced beautifully and is noticeable enough that it draws a bit of attention. People are willing to pay wild quantities just to have this logo on their clothes.  Not only is this good design, but it is a great culture. Patagonia has created a culture around the clothes that they make and the type of people who wear the brand. 

Lastly, sustainability. Major trends towards sustainable clothes have been apparent in recent years and patagonia was one of the first to do it well. Creating whole lines of clothing from other recycled clothes or a line made fully by recycled water bottles sounds absurd but is exactly what people are looking for. People want to see style paired with sustainability. 

Patagonia has created a culture where people are willing to spend nearly $100 on a pair of shorts like the ones I have on right now. 

One thought on “Pata-gucci”
  1. I’ve always been a fan of Patagonia, but I tend to get a lot of stuff hand me down. Regardless when I do have the cash I don’t mind occasionally spending on Patty G

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