People want to buy things, they do not like to feel coerced into doing so, however. This is a key distinction to be made in the world of sales. Developing trust is the best form of comparative advantage in the business world. The fact that you have a relationship with a client makes them so much more likely to stay. Rather than thinking of it as taking money from someone, we can think of sales as helping someone in need of a solution and helping them lead themselves down the right path. If that path is our business, perfect… if not, so be it. It is ideal for both parties to establish if a deal is the correct fit as having the wrong client would not be conducive to profitable problem solving.

One thought on “People like to buy”
  1. This is a great point! I have often found myself in situations where I need the help of a salesperson. Whether it be new running shoes, a phone, or an item on the menu at a restaurant, it is always better when the salesperson is patient and does not pressure me into the sale. When I make the decision to buy, I usually don’t have buyer’s remorse which is important in determining a second-time purchase.

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