In my experience, I have found tremendous value in taking a few minutes to read short articles online about sales or business. There are many places to find valuable sales-related articles that provide a lot of wisdom and insight. One such place is LinkedIn, another is This article, “Shortcut to the Perfect Sales Call” by Matt Fore is of particular value in refining your sales conversations.

Fore provides several tidbits of wisdom in this article. First, he begins by petitioning for salespeople to eliminate the cheesy sales talk such as, “So, you’re a fan of the Dodgers, huh?”. He makes the point to move away from the disingenuous conversation. People can often tell when you’re disingenuous with your conversation starters, whereas if you talk to them like they are regular people, there won’t be any red flags going off in their heads. If they feel their first contact or the start of the conversation is disingenuous, they will not trust that the rest of the conversation is genuine. Just be “real” with your potential buyers.

Another point Fore makes is to not blurt out a price too soon. This assertation by Fore highlights the need to not mention the price of your product prematurely in case the upfront mention of the cost scares the potential buyer off. Instead of mentioning the price right away and expecting the potential buyer to understand why that price reflects the product’s value, perhaps spend more time explaining the value of the product and what solutions it can provide to the potential buyer before mentioning the price. If enough time is spent on explaining the value the product offers, the price mentioned might not be as much of a shock.

Fore continues to highlight important sales tactics in the rest of his article. Use these tips to help refine your sales process.


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2 thoughts on “Perfecting the Sales Call According to Matt Fore”
  1. These are certainly good points. It is important to keep the conversation genuine. This is something that people can very easily tell when it is not the case.
    I can see the point about not saying a price too soon, but personally for me price is important and something I want to know upfront. So, as a seller, it is important to remember that not everyone feels that way and to understand the buyers perspective.

  2. I completely agree, moving away from being disingenuous during sales calls or even in sales in general could be a big thing to help make it less intrusive and ease the feeling of being interrupted or scammed by salespeople.

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