As Ross and I have been developing PeeWee Packs the past couple of months, selling has been a significant factor in the process. We have had to sell to one person, and to close to 1,000 in one room. We have learned to sell our product in 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and 20 minutes, which has been extremely growing and challenging. One aspect of sales that I experienced firsthand is flexibility.

For the various competitions Ross and I have competed in, we’ve had to learn to adjust and be flexible with the guidelines. Breaking down our 20 minute presentation to 10 minutes, and figuring out what vital details to cut and which to keep, was a learning process in and of itself. However, I recognize that this process allows me to have the knowledge in my back pocket of how to sell PeeWee Packs most effectively. Both of us can confidently say we know the “in’s” and “out’s” of this product like none other. We are ready to show our passion for this company to anyone that would ask, and I believe we have the ability to sell a lot of PeeWee Packs. Here’s to moving forward with more selling experiences!

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