In sales, it is very important to evaluate your perspective. It is key no matter what type of sales you are doing. You always want to be seeing things from the perspective of the prospect. This is because you are trying to help them, and the way you help them is by knowing what they are thinking and seeing, and what perspective they are coming from. This can be their background, motives, habits, or anything else. It can be difficult to find this out about people, so you have to ask a lot of questions.
One way people could be swayed a certain way is how they spend money, and if they like to do it or not. We talked about this in class a little. Some people do not like to spend money, so it will be hard for them to think that they need the product. On the other hand, other people spend money every time they go out. They like doing it. If there is a discrepancy between what the salesperson’s views on this are and what the prospect thinks, it can be hard to make the sale. There are some background questions you can ask, or some questions to test the waters a little, but ultimately it would be nice to know how the prospect spends money. There are many other things that the salesperson needs to find out as well, and there are many ways to do that without directly asking.
One interesting way to test your perspective is by doing the E-Test. Draw the letter “E” on your forehead. Which way did you draw it? Was it so you could read it, or so someone looking at you can read it? It should be made so that anyone else can read it. We need to be focused on other people and their views, not just ours.

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