Pinks take on the ABC’s =

  1. Attunement
  2. Buoyancy
  3. Clarity



  • Attunement is the ability to bring ones actions and outlook into harmony with other people and with the context you’re in.
  • In my personal experience listening is key to understanding what problems someone is facing and how my business or product I am selling fits in harmony with solving there problem.


  • Buoyancy isn’t about banishing the negative, but about harnessing its power for good. 
  • Another Element of buoyancy

    • Asking Good Questions
    • Sticking to your sales process (with reasonable flexibility, of course)
    • Using negative reverses when appropriate
    • Going for “No” when the situation calls for it
  • Buoyancy is something I initially struggled with when I was in sales. It is easy to lose motivation when you hear the word “No” 30 times in a row. A good sales person looks at the big picture and the statistics and knows that on average they will get one successful call every 25 phone calls.


  • Clarity = the capacity to help others see their situations in fresh and more revealing ways, and to identify problems they didn’t realize they had

    • This is something that can surely close the deal if you can shed light on someones area of expertise that they haven’t thought of before. I witnessed this at an angel investor meeting when one of the investors had the prospects think of using there product in a different way and they loved it. So much so that they asked him personally to be a partner and to be on their board.


One thought on “Pinks take on the ABC’s”
  1. I think that this new take on the ABC’s carries much more value than the old way. The idea of “Always Be Closing” looks after the interest of the sale instead of the interest of the prospect.

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